Glen Thompsett

Nov 27, 20212 min

My favourite microphone

Updated: Dec 2, 2021

Described as the 'giant' of any studio - the Neumann U87 is a beast of a mic. In my humble opinion, it is one of the best. The smooth and refined sound is as iconic as its elegant exterior design. I've had this mic on loan for various jobs and I think its fab! However, it does come with a hefty price tag, anything between £1,900 - £2,350 but as the saying goes, you get what you pay for. The U87 was first Introduced in 1967 and has shaped the sound of endless hit records over the past 50 years. I've had the pleasure of 'jocking' into this mic on numerous radio stations and with the exception of its smaller brother - the TLM 103 which adorns my own studio, nothing really comes close. The U87 is a mic of unmatched clarity. Its natural sound and unique midrange presence make it the ultimate vocal microphone, praised by singers and engineers alike. Many people will say why spend a fortune when other more affordable mics give great results. The Rode NT-1 or Rode NT1-A series are perfect examples. Some deals even include a shock-mount, floor-stand or desk support, audio interface, windshield, cable and not forgetting that all important storage bag for the mic. Selecting the right mic really depends on your own personal circumstances. Ask yourself whether you'll be podcasting, recording professional voice-overs, contributing towards remote interviews for radio or podcasts. A condenser microphone is the type you need. The lightweight membrane or diaphragm picks up audio with tremendous detail and accuracy. Sound pressure against the diaphragm causes it to move, which in turn creates electrical output. Try and avoid anything less than £100 - the old adage of 'you get what you pay for' really does apply when buying a good quality microphone. I'll be looking at what you need to set up a small home studio in a later blog.

Neumann U87

Neumann TLM103
